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Bloody Mary the Mirror Witch

I made this Hallow-weird Spooky image of Bloody Mary for an Instagram challenge called ‘Storytober’ hosted by @artbysteffani.
You can read a bit more about the process of creating this image in this BlenderNation Article:

I used the project as a chance to get up to speed with a few aspects of Blender - still a lot to learn but my knowledge of the hair system and creating eyebrows was given a massive boost following Nazar Noschenko's tutorials on YouTube- so huge thanks to you Nazar!

The skin I made is fully procedural and currently a massive spiderweb of confusing nodes but definitely something I want to develop a bit more to allow me to quickly texture characters ranging from undead/creatures to humans.

Shine, veins, freckles, wrinkles, subsurface and spottiness are controlled with vertex painting- I wanted to see how much I could do with a very simple cartoon base mesh without additional hires sculpting and normal maps, but these could definitely be used to add more detail and definition.

Bloody Mary or the Mirror Witch is a spirit said to appear if you stare into a mirror and say her name 13 times- She might reveal your future or more likely damn your soul to eternal suffering -so probably best to steer clear!

Thanks for taking a look- hope every one has a spooky and fun Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Blender Render

Blender Render

Wireframe and Hair Particles

Wireframe and Hair Particles